Mama Jewel’s Chicken Casserole
Just typing the title up there made me smile so big. This chicken casserole was an easy one that my grandmother, Mama Jewel, often made when she needed a quick meal. However, I loved it so much that it’s almost the only thing I ever requested she make, especially at the age I was in that photo up there. The other was this Blueberry Salad I shared previously. Often she would make these two together, and I was in heaven! I’m sure she (and the rest of my family) got so sick of it. But it was delicious and truly was comfort food to me. Actually, it still is! I hope you will enjoy it too. It’s great for a potluck, to take to a sick friend, or for a small Thanksgiving dinner.
Mama Jewel’s Easy Chicken Casserole
1 package of Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing (there are all kinds of flavors, but this is the one she used)
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2-3 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed (you can also use 2 cans of white chunk chicken if you want to be super speedy!)
2 cans of chicken broth (1 now and possibly one later)
Add all the ingredients with 1 can of broth and mix in a large bowl. Add additional broth for desired moistness. Pour into a 9×12 baking dish and bake at 350 until the top is brown and bubbly. Continue to add broth as it cooks to make it moist and bubbly.