Maundy Thursday 2023
Commemorating the Last Supper.
The last meal Jesus had with His disciples.
He washed their feet and spent one last time teaching and encouraging them.
But those who were with Him in the upper room soon abandoned Him in the hour of His greatest suffering.
Maundy is derived from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning “mandate or command” referring to the the command Jesus gave His disciples at that last meal:
A new command I give you: LOVE one another.
As I have LOVED you, so you must LOVE one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you LOVE one another.
– John 13:34-35
So if we said “Maundy Thursday” in modern English, it would be
“Love Command Thursday”. Isn’t that the best?!
A perfect picture of how we should live our lives and a perfect response to the love He showed us on the cross.
Jesus wants us to receive the love he offers. He wants nothing more than that we allow him to love us and enjoy that love. This is so hard since we always feel that we have to deserve the love offered to us. But Jesus wants to offer that love to us not because we have earned it, but because He has decided to love us independently of any effort on our side. Our own love for each other should flow from that “first love” that is given to us undeserved.
– Henri Nouwen
The photo above was one I took on the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem on our visit in 2012. Much has changed since the events of Jesus’ last week there, but I like to imagine that one of those top windows might be similar to the Upper Room where Jesus gave us His amazing love commandment. I pray you have the strength and power to LOVE in the same way He loved you!
Not only is Amen by I Am They a great anthem to have in our hearts and minds, but includes some of Jesus’ words that night in the Upper Room. I wonder if some of these other thoughts crossed His mind?
Click HERE to listen. Words below:
I have no words to say.
Don’t know what I should pray.
God, I need You.
God, I need You.
O Lord, my faith is tired.
And tears fill up my eyes.
But I will trust You, I will trust You.
Whatever comes my way
You have taught me to say:
Amen, let Your kingdom come.
Amen, let Your will be done.
And through the rise and fall
You’re God above it all.
Amen, we’re singin’ Amen.
When I can barely stand.
You strengthen me again.
I will seek You, I will seek You.
Though troubles may arise.
My hands reach to the skies.
I will praise You, I will praise You.
Whatever comes my way
You have taught me to say:
Amen, let Your kingdom come.
Amen, let Your will be done.
And through the rise and fall
You’re God above it all.
Amen, we’re singin’ Amen.
We’re singin’ Amen.
From everlasting to everlasting,
From everlasting to everlasting,
From everlasting to everlasting,
From everlasting to everlasting,
Amen, let Your kingdom come.
Amen, let Your will be done.
And through the rise and fall
You’re God above it all.
Amen, we’re singin’ Amen.
We’re singin’ Amen.