Renewal Monday

Easter is over, but the celebration doesn’t end. 
Our Lenten journey ends, but the JOY journey never ends. 
He’s Alive!
We have reason to be JOYFUL. 
Every single day.
New life begins.
Spring is in the air. 
The CELEBRATION of Resurrection Sunday should live on every day. 
Before His ascension, Jesus remained on the earth for 40 days.
He appeared before many so that they would know He really was alive.
He healed the sick.
He spread the Good News. 
And he taught and ministered to His disciples.
He prepared them for the task of telling the world about Christ:
Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And be sure of this: I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20
 Simply put, our lives should reflect the joy of the Lord. 
Our actions should demonstrate our allegiance to Him.
Our words should include the Good News of what Jesus did for us.
This Renewal Monday is the day to renew our commitment to His great commission. 
The photo above is one of many I have taken over the years of the sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico. 
Thank you for taking this Lenten Journey with me this year. If you missed any along the way, you can find them all here at And remember the steps in the journey can be taken all year long, not just during the Lenten season. 
I pray that you have found meaningful bits here and there along the way. I’ve been encouraged to hear from many of you about your journey. Please reach out to share or if I can pray for you in any way. Thank you for always encouraging me in my journey. 
May you cultivate a life of faithful devotion, sacrificial service to others, grateful generosity, and may all your celebrations (tiny and big) be filled with JOY!
Joy is not the same as happiness. We can be unhappy about many things, but joy can still be there because it comes from the knowledge of God’s love for us . . . Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. It is a choice based on the knowledge that we belong to God and have found in God our refuge and our safety and that nothing, not even death, can take God away from us. – Henri Nouwen
This song of renewal and commissioning is so beautiful and is often on repeat for me. “Goodbye is not the end”.
Click HERE to listen. Words below:
See my hands and look at my feet.
It’s okay if it’s hard to believe.
I have faith you will do greater things.
It’s my time to go but before I leave.
Go tell the world about me.
I was dead but now I live.
I’ve gotta go now for a little while.
But goodbye is not the end.
Don’t forget the things that I taught you.
I’ve conquered death and I hold the keys.
Where I go you will go too, someday.
But there’s much to do here before you leave.
Go tell the world about me.
I was dead but now I live.
I’ve gotta go now for a little while.
But goodbye is not the…
End of the journey, the end of the road.
My spirit is with you wherever you go.
You have a purpose and I have a plan.
I’ll make you this promise.
I’ll come back again but until then.
Go tell the world about me.
I was dead but now I live.
I’ve gotta go now for a little while.
But goodbye is not the end.
Go tell them about me.
(Go tell the world) I’ve gotta go.
(Go tell the world) for a little while.
But goodbye is not the end.

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